MULTILAUNCH (VERSION 1.00) Copyright (c) 1995 Ziff Davis Publishing Company ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTILAUNCH by First Published May 28, 1996 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT MULTILAUNCH MultiLaunch lets you associate more than one application with a file extension. It is a Windows 95 shell extension that you access through a file's context menu-the menu that pops up when you right-click on its icon. MultiLaunch adds a section to the context menu that lists programs you can use to load the document. It also adds a page to every file's property sheet that lets you configure the list of programs to use with this type of file. USAGE Since MultiLaunch is a shell extension, it is in the form of a dynamic link library rather than an executable, and it must be "registered" in the Windows 95 Registry. The MultiLaunch setup program contains the DLL in compressed form and does the registration for you. When you run SETUP.EXE, the installation program will ask you where you want to install the MultiLaunch DLL (MLAUNCH.DLL). The default location is your Windows system directory, but you can store the DLL anywhere you like. Select the location, click OK, and you're ready to run. To add multiple file associations for a given file type, right-click on a file icon of that type and select the Properties menu item at the bottom of the context menu. This will bring up the Properties dialog box. In addition to the ubiquitous General tab, which provides you with standard file information such as the size and creation date, you will see a MultiLaunch tab. Click on this tab to bring up the MultiLaunch association page. When you add an association to a file's context menu, the association applies to all files with the same extension. You can use the Add and Delete buttons to add and remove applications that are associated with this file type. Click the Add button and you will get a standard Windows 95 Open dialog box that you can use to browse for applications. When you have finished making associations, click OK, and you're ready to launch. If you want to remove MultiLaunch from your system, use the Unregister MultiLaunch utility that comes with MultiLaunch (UNREGML.EXE). This will safely remove all the MultiLaunch keys from your Registry. After running UNREGML.EXE, you must reboot Windows 95 before you can delete the MLAUNCH.DLL file. SUPPPORT Help for PC Magazine's utilities can be obtained electronically in the Utilities section of ZD Net's Tips Forum (GO ZNT:TIPS). The authors of current utilities generally visit this forum daily. You may find an answer to your question simply by reading the messages posted in the forum. If the author is not available and the forum sysops can't answer your question, the Utilities column editor, who also checks this forum each day, will contact the author for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Lam is the director of software development for Continuum Research, a company that specializes in creating OLE- and OCX-based tools for developers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------